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We offer behavioral interview questions for any job.Built with science + AI to predict performance 2x better.

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Search for a job title. Get custom behavioral job interview questions, and a job description.

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Predict performance 2x better. We use 870+ job models plus science and GPT-4 to tailor questions.

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Save time and focus on your business. We write smart interviews and job descriptions fast!


Search a job. Any job!


Get a job description, and interview.


Interview and pick people with the skills to succeed.

Sample interviews:

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are structured behavioral interviews?Our interviews use a predefined list of questions and clear rating methods to objectively assess candidates' past experiences and skills.
Why are they more effective?Evidence from management science shows they predict job performance twice as effectively as unstructured interviews, especially when combined with other selection tools.
What jobs are included in our database?AgileHire offers interview questions and job descriptions for over 870 occupations across most U.S. economy sectors. Job models are built using data from workers surveyed by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
How does AgileHire make sure questions are relevant?By using research-backed job models and interviewing best practices, plus AI, to craft relevant questions for essential skills for 870+ jobs.
How much does it cost?$60 CAD one-time for access to the tool and future updates and improvements. We are constantly working to improve our services based on your feedback.

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Unlimited interviews for any job.Built with science + AI to predict performance 2x better.$60 CAD lifetime subscription.

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